Privacy Policies



GROW UP COMERCIO E SERVICO NA INTERNET LTDA is a software development company that aims to boost sales for companies and individual entrepreneurs on social networks, that is, in the virtual environment.

Ensuring data protection and confidentiality of our Users’ information is one of GROW UP’s fundamental values. This Privacy Policy tells you what you can expect us to do with your personal data when you contact us or use one of our services.

In order to guarantee your privacy, we have defined a series of standards and procedures, which are periodically reviewed, and which provide protection to the data entered on the Platform. Therefore, in addition to accepting our other available terms, the User must know and agree with this “PRIVACY POLICY”, which is an integral part of said terms, and has clear and complete information about how GROW UP collects, uses , stores, processes and protects your personal data. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you carefully read our “PRIVACY POLICY” before purchasing any of our products.

It is important to highlight that when we say GROW UP, we are referring to all companies that are part of the economic group subordinate to the company highlighted below.


  1. Our contact details


CNPJ: 41.624.699/0001-48

E-mail: [email protected]


  1. Introduction

2.1.      This Privacy Policy aims to establish the rules on:

  • How and for what purposes personal data is processed by GROW UP and the entire group of companies forming part of the economic bloc.
  • With which organizations personal data can be shared.
  • How users can manage their personal data.

2.2.      GROW UP reserves the right, at any time, to change this Privacy Policy, updating its content according to the needs for technological improvement or its functionalities. When there is a change in the Privacy Policy, GROW UP will communicate to its Users, alternatively, by publication in a prominent area on the Platform, by email or in any other way that allows communication.

2.3.      Likewise, the user must check the updated version of this Policy every time they visit the company’s website. If you do not agree with the new terms of the Privacy Policy, you must communicate your objection directly through the contact channels indicated above.


  1. The processing of personal data

This data protection policy guarantees:

  • Compliance with the Brazilian General Data Protection Law and the Marco Civil da Internet;
  • Protection of the rights of employees, customers and partners;
  • Transparency about how it stores and processes individual data;
  • Protection from data breach risks.
  1. Data for minors under 18


When purchasing our products, the user declares that he or she is over 18 years old. We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal data from anyone under the age of 18. If we become aware that we have collected personal data from a minor under 18 years of age, we will terminate the service provision contract and delete the personal data, and may only keep personal data that aims to prevent new attempts to contract services and register.


  1. Personal data processed by GROW UP:
  1. Identification data: (I) full name; (II) email.
  2. Contact details: (I) address; (II) telephone; (III) email.
  3. Billing data: (I) registration number in the Individual Taxpayer Registry – CPF; (II) registration number in the National Register of Legal Entities.
  4. Traffic and location data: (I) IP address.
  5. Internet browsing data: (I) session cookies; (II) first-party cookies; (III) third-party cookies.

Destacamos que não armazenamos em nosso banco de dados as informações de cartão de crédito ou débito, uma vez que não recebemos pagamentos diretamente em hipótese alguma.

We emphasize that we do not store credit or debit card information in our database, as we do not receive payments directly under any circumstances.

All payments made to purchase any of our products are made by the company HOTMART, BRAIP, MONETIZZE or EDUZZ, which, in turn, passes the amounts on to GROW UP.


  1. How we obtain your personal data

 All personal data we process is provided directly by the users themselves, for one of the following reasons:

  • Purchase of any of the products offered by GROW UP.
  • Registration of the holder on the GROW UP panel.
  • Navigational information on the GROW UP website such as cookies, IP address, among other navigation data.
  1. Purposes of collecting and processing personal data by GROW UP


  1. Cookies


8.1. Cookies are small files created by visited websites and saved on the user’s computer through the browser. These files contain information that serves to identify the visitor, either to personalize the page according to their profile or to facilitate the transport of data between pages on the same website.

8.2. When you use our Platform, we may use “Cookies” to recognize the User profile and personalize your experience on our Platform, as well as the services and other content available on the Platform.

8.3. Certain features are only available through the use of Cookies. If the User disables or refuses this function, their experience using the Platform or services may be harmed.



  1. Deletion of personal data


9.1. All personal data of users of the GROW UP service will be kept for as long as necessary for the respective purposes. We may also retain information as required by law or regulation or for the regular exercise of rights, or in circumstances where there is a legitimate purpose of GROW UP or a third party.

9.2. The User may request the deletion of personal data through the channels already indicated in this Policy, as determined by the Marco Civil da Internet, as amended by the LGPD.

9.3. In this case, we may retain information as required by law or regulation or for the regular exercise of rights, or in circumstances where there is a legitimate purpose of GROW UP or a third party.



    1. Sharing of personal data

 GROW UP may share identification data, contact data, billing data, traffic and location data, internet browsing data, with the following recipients:


    1. International transfer

If your personal data is transferred to another country in the course of providing the services, we (and the third parties, where applicable) will take the measures required by law to ensure that your personal data remains protected, and that such transfer is carried out in accordance with one of the transfer mechanisms provided for in the LGPD.


      1. Rights with respect to your personal data


12.1. The User has rights and guarantees in relation to his/her personal data. We provide mechanisms, detailed below, so that Users have clarity and transparency in the exercise of their rights. Whenever necessary, our team will be ready to evaluate any requests.

12.2. Rights provided for in the LGPD: under the terms of the General Data Protection Law (Law 13.709/2018 –) (“LGPD”), the user has the right to:

      1. Confirm that we process your personal data.
      2. Access your personal data.
      3. Request the correction of personal data that is incomplete, inaccurate or outdated.
      4. Request the anonymization, blocking or deletion of personal data that is unnecessary, excessive, or processed in non-compliance with the provisions of the LGPD.
      5. Request the portability of your personal data to another service or product provider, subject to our commercial and industrial secrets, after regulation by the National Data Protection Authority.
      6. Request the deletion of personal data processed based on your consent, except in the cases of personal data retention provided for in the LGPD.
      7. Request information about who we share your personal data with.
      8. Request information about the possibility of not providing your consent and the consequences.
      9. Revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data, when there is processing carried out on the basis of your consent.
      10. Oppose processing that violates the LGPD.

12.3. Before we respond to a request to exercise the rights mentioned above, we may ask you to provide us with certain information in order to confirm your identity.


      1. Information Security


The personal data collected by GROW UP will be stored in secure databases, within the best practices, with access restricted only to employees with the proper credentials, who are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the information and not use it inappropriately.

Send us an e-mail: [email protected]
Our WhatsApp:+55 21 97074 6733

Instagrowup – All rights reserved